Saturday 21 October 2017

Full Body Massage Jaipur: The Massage shows you, teach you to observe

Transmitting from the Nervous System to the Nervous System we can promote that calm state. Feeling the presence of the other is already an act that induces us to relax. The massage is in turn an invitation to walk together that path that starts from the movement to reach the stillness of meditation.
This way, when finishing the massage and even forming part of the session, dedicates a time of "integration" as important as all of the above, since in many occasions that is the space of flowering.
It is in the stillness where you feel with the clarity of the listener. I want to finish this month's article by remembering those first words that came from my experiences receiving: The Massage shows you, teach you to observe, Full Body Massage Guwahati, Full Body Massage Surat, Full Body Massage Guntur,  accept and release. It shows you what you can see and how far you can see at that moment. It reflects the blockades and closed spaces as well as open and willing spaces, Stress and pain as well as pleasure,
The noise and bewilderment like stillness, silence and emptiness ... It shows you the present. And it shows you that beyond the layers that are given in the present one can go back to that place, where nothing is and where everything is, where there are no words or explanation. One is in that space of meditation. And how wonderful is that, that's the only thing that is always, and therefore we always have the opportunity to dive to it. This is what shows you in Californian, teaches you the route ... until you reach the depth. And it is for this reason that once one has inhabited this place with consciousness, the change occurred.