Friday 21 July 2017

Body Massage in Tokyo: The movement of QUIETUD

The movement of QUIETUD: Keep watching and you will soon see that there is a place of calm and tranquility where nothing can disturb you, what is difficult is to get there.
But if you manage to be there on repeated occasions, you will be able to remember some of the steps that led you there, which allowed you to return to that internal place.
This place of tranquility is not a metaphor, it is very real.
Recently I came across this quotation from Ouspensky with which I decided to open this article dedicated to stillness and silence. That imperturbable inner peace, of which so much is spoken, is indeed human longing and longing.
The depth of space and the immensity of silence, that treasure, dwells in each one of us. That place where opposites are given in total harmony: fullness in emptiness, luminosity in the night, the answer when there are no questions. Imagine observing the universe from the universe itself.
It is in this place where true rest takes place, where the deepest understandings are given and where vitality is renewed.
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The first time I had contact with this internal space was taking California massage, in that continuous giving and receiving that ends up becoming the same open and participate, since then I believe that the opportunity to find this experience through the body makes it something sacred.

From this understanding is born this massage, within each person is that place where confidence rests in the magnitude of Life and where true Love is born.